Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Facts About Sealants

What does it mean if  Dr. Steppler or Kathleen our hygienist tells you your child needs sealants? First of all, it’s an easy procedure with little to no discomfort – no numbing and if any drilling is done, it is minimal. And secondly, it’s one of the best proactive steps you can take to protect your child’s teeth against decay.

What we do is apply a thin coating of plastic or  composite in the grooves on the permanent back molar teeth. These “chewing surfaces” are the most likely places for children, and even teenagers, to develop tooth decay. The sealant or preventive restorative resin coats the tooth and helps keep food particles and germs from getting into the grooves. Think of it as locking down teeth with protective armor against the bacteria that would like to break in and do serious damage. Most sealants are clear, so you can’t even tell they are there, while some are tooth colored. Most children can barely feel the difference on their teeth.

While normally sealants are provided for children as soon as their permanent teeth come in, some adults may need sealants if they never received them as children or are at greater risk for cavities or decay.

Sealants can last for many years. Occasionally, we may need to touch up the sealant on one or two teeth.  But just because your child has sealants doesn’t mean you can slow down with brushing, flossing and fluoride rinsing. Sealants are just one part of a  comprehensive, smart dental prevention plan for growing children.

1 comment:

  1. Nice info about sealants. My teeth cleaning services clinic likes this blog so much. Very informative and helpful.
