Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Oral Health Helps Overall Health

As if good teeth are not a sufficient reason to keep your gums and mouth in peak condition, your overall good health is ample motivation.

Gum disease - gingivitis - commonly caused by inadequate brushing and flossing, and lack of regular professional cleanings, is present in about 90% of the population; that in turn leads to more serious periodontal disease, which causes or exacerbates other bodily health issues, including holistic well-being.

Conditions caused directly by gingivitis and periodontal disease include:  bad breath, gum abscesses, tooth loss, digestive disorders and oral pain.  Plus it results in greater health care costs to you.  Prevention is better than the cure!

Because the micro-organisms and bacteria in your mouth travel into your bloodstream, your mouth becomes the gateway to your overall health.  For example, there is a labor-inducing fluid in oral bacteria that is proven to cause premature and low-weight births.  In diabetics, who are more susceptible to various other diseases, studies show that regular professional dental cleanings helps control their blood sugar levels.

Most of the oral bacteria that enters the blood stream are harmless, but in a weakened heart or compromised immune system, opportunistic bacteria increase the risk of stroke or heart attack.  Periodontal disease can also worsen respiratory problems and complicate osteoporosis.

Be sure to brush twice a day and floss daily, but there is no substitute for regular professional cleanings to prevent gum disease.  Call us today!


  1. Everybody is aware of the fact that our smile and our mouth are the first introductions that our body has for anything that comes across us. A bad breath or an ugly looking and foul smelling teeth are the worst enemies that we can ever hope to encounter in our lives. On the other hand a good smile and healthy teeth can make some of the most difficult of jobs in our lives a lot easier. In fact many studies have also suggested that people with a healthy mouth are more likely to develop good relationships and are more enabled to get things done. The dental service providers all across the world have realized this importance and are also imparting the same education to their patients.

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  2. Everyone wants beautiful smile and good dental health but we do seldom care about it,we should clean our teeth in proper manner as nicely suggested in this post... Great post !
